Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hip Pain After Running? Try These Exercises

June 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Featured, Fitness and Exercise

hip pain after runningThe most effective way to prevent injury as a new runner or a long-time pro who feels hip pain after running and/or  is returning after an injury is to build up slowly from your base mileage. Tendinitis and other overuse injuries occur so frequently because uninformed runners don’t give their bodies the time they need to adapt to running longer distances.

Normal exercise doesn’t place nearly the same amount of strain on specific areas of the body that running does. This is because other muscles may need to take over the job of small tendons and muscles that have weakened as a result of being overworked. When this happens, your running form is altered, unduly stressing areas of your body that can’t handle the strain. As a result, running injuries occur. Read More

Aquatic Exercises For Hip Pain

May 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness and Exercise

exercises for hip pain

Enjoyable Exercise

Some of the better types of exercises for hip pain, especially for those folks with poor balance are going to be  water-based. There are very  specific benefits that you won’t get from exercising on land. While water exercises are great no matter what your age, exercising in the water is particularly beneficial for people over 40 who are beginning to experience conditions commonly associated with aging like hip joint pain.

Get into the water up to your shoulders and your body will bear only 10% of your normal weight due to a phenomenon known as buoyancy. Because buoyancy essentially eliminates gravity, there is no compression on your joints, which, means no pain and little chance of being injured when you move. Read More

Now You Can Exercise And Have Fun Too!

April 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness and Exercise

aging gracefully

Exercise and have fun

Tai Chi is a centuries-old practice that has its roots in ancient China. It began as an “internal” or “soft” martial art that provided its practitioners with a way of defending themselves. Today, it is practiced for the many health benefits that are associated with it, including improvements in strength, agility, and balance. Tai Chi is a fabulous tool to help us in aging gracefully through a calm mental focus, slowly executed movements, and deep breathing.

The spiritual and psychological power of this martial art has been recognized for a long time by tens of millions of devoted Tai Chi practitioners around the world. In recent years, however, researchers and scientists in the West have begun to study the many health benefits that Tai Chi offers those who practice it on a regular basis. Read More

Learn How Deep Breathing Exercises Improve Your Health

April 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Featured, Fitness and Exercise

Deep breathing to improve health Deep Breathing can reduce stress, fatigue, high blood pressure, and it can be yet another tool to consider in the search for natural pain relief.

If you suffer from high-blood pressure, stress, and chronic fatigue, learning how to breathe “the right way” can help lessen the severity of these and other debilitating conditions. It does seem silly to be told you need to learn how to breathe “the right way”, I know, but just go ahead and keep reading anyway.

We don’t realize how important breathing is to our overall health and well-being, despite the fact that we take as many as 20,000 breaths every day. Fatigue, below-average mental functioning, a higher risk for heart disease, and stress can all be caused by breathing “the wrong way,” that is, shallowly, in the upper chest.

Not only is tension released, but deeper breathing increases the amount of oxygen in the blood and provides a number of important health-related benefits. Here are some very good reasons to begin breathing more deeply. Read More

Attack Muscle and Joint Pain Through Relaxation Exercises

March 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness and Exercise

Use Relaxation Therapies to Reduce Stress-Related Tension:

Muscle and Joint PainIt is well known that anxiety disorders, atherosclerosis, high-blood pressure, heart disease, muscle and joint pain, insomnia, and many other conditions are caused by excessive stress and tension.

A powerful and affective strategy that keeps stress from occurring and reduces its severity when it does is the use of relaxation therapies, two of which are described below. Read More

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