Saturday, December 29, 2012

Discover The Facts About Hip Flexor Strains

July 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Joint Pain Causes

hip flexor strainThe tearing of one or more of the hip flexor muscles, accompanied by pain in the front of the groin or hip, results in what is known as a hip flexor strain.
Without the hip flexor muscles, we would not be able to sprint or kick because these muscles enable us to bend the hip in order to move the knee toward the chest.  Hip flexor muscle fibers become tense when they are stretched or contracted and may tear if such activities as excessive repetition or force result in too much tension.
Factors Contributing to Hip Flexor Strain
Sprinting and kicking often cause hip flexor strain, because the hip flexor muscles may contract too suddenly during these and similar activities. Additionally, if the muscles have not been given the chance to warm up, then an explosive acceleration or a long football kick will more than likely result in hip flexor strain.
Repetitive or chronic strain on the hip flexor muscles can sometimes result in strain. Individuals engaged in football, soccer and other kicking and running sports are especially prone to suffer from this condition.
When hip flexor strain occurs, one will experience an acute, sharp pain or tugging feeling in the front of the groin or hip. Activity can often continue, however, when the strain is a minor one. Limping while walking, extreme pain, muscle spasm, weakness, as well as being unable to continue an activity, are all signs of a more severe strain
Your doctor is the best person capable of diagnosing hip flexor strain by giving you a thorough objective and subjective examination. He or she may also make use of an MRI, CT scan, ultrasound and/or X-rays to confirm the diagnosis.
With the right kind of therapy, most individuals with hip flexor strain experience a complete recovery. Abstinence from any kind of activity or the use of crutches is an absolute must until all of the symptoms have abated. Running, kicking, and other activities that put an inordinate amount of stress on the hip flexors need to be minimized. The body needs time to heal and abstaining from these activities will allow it to do so.
You don’t want this condition to become chronic; therefore, the right kind of treatment applied immediately is critical to ensure a fast recovery. Otherwise, the condition may reoccur and take much longer to heal.

Recovery time can be accelerated by applying ice to the hip flexors for 20 minutes every two hours during the first 72 hours after injury has occurred. Inflammation, pain and swelling can be significantly lessened by taking anti-inflammatory drugs. The healing process can also be assisted by walking with crutches to keep weight off the hip flexor muscles.
In order to strengthen the hip flexor muscles and ensure injury does not reoccur, consider letting a professional trainer prescribe and help you with exercises that gradually strengthen these muscles and increase their flexibility.One to three weeks is the amount of time usually required to recover from minor hip flexor strain when corrective steps have been taken to manage the condition. Four to eight weeks or longer is required when the tear is more serious.

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